Sunday, July 10, 2011


Lovage is a wonderful, very old herb with properties perfect for today's healthy lifestyles. Its unique flavor, which is a combination of strong celery flavour with a hint of anise, lends a wonderful flavor to soups, stews, stocks, salads, meat, potato and tomato dishes. You can use it much like you would celery or parsley, but with a lighter hand since it does have a stronger flavor. It is also used as a natural salt substitute, and is said to be an aphrodisiac - hence the name. And every part of the plant - leaves, stems, roots and seed - is edible!
Fortunately for me, Lovage is not a small, delicate plant. It will grow to about 6' - 0 feet tall in 5 years, so you want to have a nice roomy corner of the garden set aside for it. Due to its statuesque size and solid green leaves, it looks great as a backdrop in the perennial flower garden, and is indeed often used for that purpose. It can also be grown in a large pot, or tub on the balcony. And in a couple of years, you never need to buy celery or parsley again - other than for celery sticks with Chez Whiz.

Lucky me, even in this severe drought, my Lovage has now reached 6 feet! It is as tall as me! Some days I arrive home and find it drooping, but with a bit of water, it perks right back up!
All over Colorado they have record breaking moisture. It misses us everytime. We are ready to gather together to do a rain dance...please contact me if you have suggestions.

1 comment:

  1. Well, it looks pretty green there for having so little rain. Are you watering? I love the wood circles in your yard in the last post. Very clever idea. We are lugging pieces of flagstone around our yard - recycling them - to clear them out of the way of our future new deck. Our flagstone is nice but I like your wood circles better.
