Saturday, August 3, 2013

Garden Celebration: August 3, 2013

Today is August 3rd and I've been formally back to work for a week. One of the things I know I am looking forward to, when I am able to retire, is to be able to putter and enjoy my garden in the month of August.

At 9,200 feet the garden is about a month behind most summer gardens. That means, right now, the garden is likely at it's peak for blooming. For several weeks, it was full and green but the early bloomers were done and the garden was a flat green. Now, it is an oasis of color.

I will sorely miss my morning coffee in the garden and my nightly strolls. The garden is a healing and spiritual place for me and is my 'happy place.' 

Fortunately, I have an incredible husband who has developed a green thumb and works from home and takes over when I am gone all week.

The garden is a testimony to the miracle of nature. The rains came in July and continue to come and the earth around us is once again green and alive.

I am so grateful that I can enjoy this place, even if it won't be as often.
* Disclaimer: There are a ton of photos...I just couldn't decide!



Hops growing on the vine

The hops vine is completely over the top of the arbor

Some 'weeds' come up in the garden and I kept them. I think it is so incredible how you can trace the plants you buy at nurseries to their native wild flower. This is a Lance-leaved Stonecrop - a Colorado wildflower.


Yarrow - another wildflower came up on it's own.

Joe Pyeweed (tall one in back) hasn't bloomed yet - but soon!

The tall white flower in the back is Helitrope -
I left the one plant I had last year go to seed, and the wind carried its seed
all over the garden and it came up everywhere.
I sure smells wonderful!

My morning coffee spot.

Delphinium - lots more yet to bloom

Sedum, Ladies Mantle, Delphinium


Standing on the front porch
This chair is another favorite morning coffee spot!
A dear friend painted it for me.

Outside the deer fence as you walk up the stone path to the front porch.
So far, the deer are leaving things alone -
this bed is full of cat mint they don't prefer - both the low walk variety and the Siberian Catmint (the tall one in the back). 


The delphinium are over six feet tall and are stunning

Rocky Mountain Bee Balm from seed

Cashmere Sage

Day lilies are just beginning to bloom


The yellow flowers are Butter-and-Eggs - another wildflower, though most people think they are noxious weeds - I actually dug them up from another spot a couple of years ago because I knew the deer would leave them alone and that they would be drought hard. They look like tiny snapdragons to me and I appreciate the color!

Coming up the walk from the garage to the front porch.

Front porch to the right, in-between the two chairs.

Looking towards the garden from the back of Koby's Korner flower bed.

Koby ( 3 years old)  in front of 'Koby's Korner' the flower bed named for him

The blue flax has bloomed all summer

Bell Flower

Enough flowers to cut and bring indoors!

The most wonderful husband, ever.

The Undaunted Gardner