Friday, June 7, 2013

And so begins another season

And so begins another season in the garden!
At 9,200 feet my garden today, likely looks
like your garden did a month ago.
We grow a little slower and start
a little later way up here.

Allium just starting and Bleeding heart in bloom

The Aspen trees have budded!

Bleeding Heart

The Dutch Shoe bed -
Hops to the right (it's kind of taking over...)
Bleeding heart, tulips, delphinium, allium, lilies and salvia

View into the garden -
Cat mint coming in now behind the barrel planter and
yarrow in the bed to the right

Hadley's Patch
thick with Columbine, Delphinium, Jacob's Ladder and Poppies -
oh and another Bleeding Heart

There's the Bleeding Heart, Lupine, Poppies and you can see
the Hops Vines starting up the trellis

Koby's Korner -
nothing blooming...yet!

Tiny lilac bush, but it's blooming- well, almost!

Rock garden - catmint is happy!

Top rock wall bed..
Rhubarb (yeah!) and Yarrow -Daisies in there somewhere!

Lower rock wall bed -
mostly looking at Siberian Cat Mint and Lovage

There are five of these scattered in the garden - they get huge and are so pretty!

Another lilac almost ready to bloom!

Lupine, Bleeding Heart and Poppies

The blooms on the Redbud Tree -
they smell so sweet!
I wish the blooms would last all summer!

Redbud Tree

Cranesbill, Delphinium and Tulips

Tulips and Hops

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Just a month ago it looked like this....

Aspen just beginning to sprout new growth...

and now.

The Dutch Shoe bed in May...

and now in June.

Hadley's Patch early May...

and now, early June.

Lower rock wall bed in early May...

and now, early June.
Wonder how much it will change in two weeks?

Redbud Tree in early May...

blooming in early June.

I don't mind winter, but I'm sure loving
being back in the garden. It truly amazes
me every year to see tiny shoots pushing
through the earth and see how the earth
is transformed in just weeks. 

We've been working on a few outdoor projects
and my next blog post will be about those. 
I'm very excited about them!!!

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