Flower Garden 9,200 feet
Summer of 2017
June in the garden -
it's Lupine, Bleeding Heart, Poppy and Columbine time!
I didn't even know I had a pink lupine! |
I love the classic Columbine. |
I started with one Garden Helitrope years ago, and now they have taken over the garden. I tried to fight it, but I've surrendered. They smell so wonderful, and with so many, the air is so sweet! |
Hoping this patch of Aspen trees on the right will take off in another year or two - and the small evergreen. |
August - that means it's Delphinium time!
Outside the garden fence - risky - but I'm trying it anyway!
The babies breath came back! There are two of these but the deer keep munching the other and refuse to let it grow enough to bloom. |
The lupines bloomed in June...and they're coming back! |
This is Veronica (pictured below...which is a plant within the deer fence) - this Veronica that deer find very pleasing. I moved a bunch of plants out front of the house - away from the protection of the deer fence. All the information I researched said that deer don't like Veronica. I moved four plants out and this is what they all look like today! |
What they should look like right now! |
And they've been munching on the lupine... |
The foxglove are happy - just cut the old blooms off and it's loaded with new blooms. I'll be putting foxglove everywhere next year where I want flowers to grow outside of the deer fence - the deer don't touch these. Suppose they know they are poisonous?
A few sole surviving Black Eyed Susan - the deer came through and snipped off all the buds. |
I wasn't sure if this window box would work, as it only gets a few hours of sunshine a day, but it did! I love looking out the kitchen window at it. |